[onair diary📕] sohyeon 유빈이가 새로운 멤버로 확정되고 4인으로 완전히 뭉쳤을때, 회사로부터 새출발 케이크를 선물 받았다. 그간 맘고생 심했던 멤버들 버텨줘서 고맙고 이제 시작이니까 지치지말고 저 4개의 촛불보다 더크게 높게 타오르자! When Yubin was confirmed as a new member and completely united into four members, we received a new start cake from the company🎂 Thank members for holding on together even we’ve been struggling so far. It‘s just the beginning, so don’t get tired and let‘s ..